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Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Hide Your Folders in Windows XP

  • Normal Windows XP Users may not find the Windows command prompt to be much useful to them, but here is something useful ( sort of ) that you may find it interesting. Besides watching Star Wars movie and adult content ( mouth watering ya? ) via the command prompt, now you can even lock any folder in your Windows XP without even using any software. Interested to try out? Okay, here you go. Follow the instructions below. :D
  • Maybe you want to try it out on an empty folder in case something goes wrong. So first create a folder in drive C , let say you name it as “my-secret-collection” ( LOL! ) without the quotes.
  • Next, open your command prompt ( Start > Run > type “cmd” in the Run box without the quotes )
  • Within the command prompt, type “attrib +s +h C:my-secret-collection” ( again without the quotes )
  • This command will make your folder completely invisible and it can not be seen even in hidden files and folders. Try search for the folder, I am sure it returns no result. It’s cool right?
  • To make the folder visible again type “attrib -s -h C:my-secret-collection”
  • And of course you can lock other folder too, by changing the location C:my-secret-collection to address of your folder

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