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Sunday, 27 November 2011

Use Trial Version Forever

If you want to use trial version forever use this software called Run As Date

By downloading this software you can use your trail software as a life time software by changing the date.
  • This Time Stopper will stop the expiration of the software. You need not to change your system date and time.
  • After downloading this software install and open it
  • First select program which you want to run in the first box
  • Then set Any date you want but the date between the trial period of the software. Its better to  set expiration date of the software before 2 day date.
  • Another one is you can create a Short cut Icon for you trail version software. Because some people do not like to open the software every time via Run As Date. By this shortcut icon you can open directly, like normal open
  • Condition is don't open software after trail period expired. If you open like this once time you can not access the software via Run As Date software also. Better do delete that software shortcut icon from the desktop icon and go and create shortcut icon through the Run As Date software.

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